The terms and conditions contained from now on ("TERMS OF USE") shall apply to the use of the website and any other linked pages, products, software(s), API keys, features, content or application services (including but without limitation to any mobile application services) in connection to that, offered from time to time by Finware Technologies Private Limited.
Any person logging in to or using the website (even when such person does not avail of any services provided on the website shall be presumed to have read these "Terms of Use" (which includes the Privacy Policy, separately provided on the website) and completely accepts the terms and conditions set out herein. These "Terms of Use" constitute a binding and enforceable agreement between the User and Finware. It does not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other written agreement you may have with Finware for other services.
Please read the terms set out hereunder carefully before agreeing to the same. Please immediately terminate your website if you do not agree to these "Terms of Use" (including any referenced policies or guidelines). You can accept the "Terms of Use" by:
• Click on "Agree" to accept the "Terms of Use", where this option is made available to you by Finware in the User interface for any particular service; or
• In case you access, test or use the services, you understand and agree that Finware will treat your use of the services as acceptance of the "Terms of Use" from that point onwards.
Subject to these "Terms of Use", Finware offers the services outlined in schedule I herein.
The review provides access to a system where users can:
– Create polar questions (Yes/No questions) about current articles (the "survey questions"). It is done via the backend;
– Answer the survey questions.
Note: All analyses of the survey results, such as reports, statistical tables, charts, graphics or other visual forms ("statistical reports"), are continuously aggregated into statistical information without compromising individual votes.
For these purposes, the review asks you to provide your data, which will be used by the study to create statistical reports based on personal opinions about different news articles, items, issues, topics, and other internet sources which users link while creating their survey questions in order to help other users to understand the general context of these survey questions(the "articles"). The review provides access to our services only after you create an account in review as defined in the Privacy Policy in part "Registration in Review". As soon as you sign the "Terms and Conditions" and complete the registration process in the Review backend of the app or the mobile app (the "registration"), your data will be transferred for review. You will become a Review user (the "user"). Becoming a Review user contains the right to express your opinion by voluntary participation in survey questions and/or the right to create survey questions.
Review controls personal data. It collects and processes personal data, respects your privacy, and complies with Dutch and international data protection laws.
During the registration in review, you are asked to provide your credentials like your name, date of birth, gender, education, location, language preference and/or other details you may add in the future. Providing this personal data is optional, and it determines the amount of information in statistical reports the user will be able to see after responding to the survey questions; meaning, providing your data gives access to the corresponding aggregated data in the statistics reports. It is possible at any point to remove and/or add personal data, which will immediately change access to the relevant statistical reports.
Review can collect, process, store and use your technical information such as cookies, and/or other technologies, and subsidiary analytical software as described in our "Cookies Policy" and following Dutch and international law. The statistical information of your activities in your Review account can be used to improve our system, including security policies, but not limited to it alone.
We collect information from your mobile device about the system and model of your device, the version of your operating system, and statistical information about the equipment of your device, such as the processor, short-term memory, internal memory, application versions and similar. This information could be used as statistical data for improving our system, including security policies, but not limited to it alone.
You can use third-party services (such as Facebook and others) to share personal data while creating an account in review. Only personal data with public access will be collected in the case of using third-party services. Review does not have direct or indirect intention to collect more personal data than we ask of you during the registration. You can manage the information we collect through third-party services by changing the extent of public access to your data in those services according to their Privacy Policies.
Without infringement of personal protection and following Dutch, European, and international Data Protection Law. The review has the right to use all data collected for actions or a set of activities, including the collection, recording, organization, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use, dissemination employing transmission, distribution or display in any other form, merging, linking, as well as blocking, erasure or destruction of data ("processing").
Your data is processed according to the "Terms and Conditions" and Privacy Policy of Review.
The review will store personal data on a particular database on the server of third parties (the "provider"). This provider stores personal data following the "Terms and Conditions" of the specific agreement between this provider and us. All provider activity related to personal data is regulated by the "Terms and Conditions", our Privacy Policy and the provider's Privacy Policy. In addition, the provider guarantees additional security measures to your data concerning the server where all data are saved.
Your personal data is protected from unauthorized access from third parties through our encryption during transmission, storage, and other processing of personal data to increase your personal data's safety level.
Concerning your privacy and following the requirements of data protection, your data are used by review only after its depersonalization, mixing and modification. The modification of information is the final step in creating statistical reports.
All results of public opinion become public only after the user's voluntary participation in survey questions, with the option of the user's preliminary research into the topic discussed in the different articles.
You have the right to know what kind of information related to you is being processed by review and/or whether your data is being processed or not. You can send a request to review to correct, supplement, delete or block information related to you according to your specification based on legitimate grounds and according to the Dutch and international data protection law. Review is obliged to inform you when we finish all actions related to such a withdrawal following the term fixed by the law.
Users have the right to react to this document and notify review, via email, what they would like to change in the "Terms and Conditions" and why. Accordingly, check reserves the right to change the "Terms and Conditions" following these suggestions.
We keep your personal data following confidentiality requirements by law and without infringement of your privacy.
We encrypt your personal data during transmission, storage, and backup to increase your personal data's safety level.
Specific employees of overview have a key to the codified personal data for improving the application system, including, but not limited to, security policy, ensuring proper platform operation, and other legitimate purposes related to Review activities.
Third parties can view the statistical reports without any personal identification of the users.
You agree, for an unlimited time, to give your consent regarding your data to review according to the terms and conditions described in the "Terms and Conditions".
The review has the right to change the "Terms and Conditions" without any notification unless these changes reduce users' rights; it will not be done without the notice and additional consent of the users.
All the definitions in the Terms and Conditions, including "Review", "user", "survey question", "personal data", "statistical report", "registration", "provider", and others, can be used in the plural form as well as in the singular form without it having any effect on the definitions themselves. The pronouns used herein shall include, where appropriate, gender and/or both singular and plural.
All the terms and their definitions in the "Terms and Conditions" can be used in the Privacy Policy document, and vice versa, without any changes to their meaning/s.
If any clause in these "Terms and Conditions" should be and/or become null and void, this fact will not affect the validity of the other provisions.
This agreement will be governed by and construed following the laws of India. The Users agree that any legal action or proceedings arising out of this agreement may be brought exclusively in the competent courts/tribunals having jurisdiction in Bangalore in India and irrevocably submit themselves to the jurisdiction of such courts/tribunals.
In case of any technical issues, please raise a support ticket by emailing or your service dashboard to let us know. You can also contact us at +91 9513732007 in case of urgent matters.